Time to Prep – Spring Break Trip 2015

Ok, time for another road trip!  The Road Trip blog from the last vacation was sadly destroyed during a server move.  (someone forgot to back it up first.)  This years trip is a week away and it is time to start planning what to pack, where to go, what do put in the car for the girls, and what to leave at home!

And now, the first (of many) packing lists:

  • Clothes for the trip for all including swim suits.  Suitcases and backpacks!
  • Tablets, Phones, and a crap ton of chargers with a power strip to plug them in.  Roku box?
  • Camera’s and chargers.
  • Cooler full of juice pouches, water, soda, etc for the drive.  (Beer for the destination!)
  • Get Van serviced this weekend.
  • CLEAN THE VAN!  Throw out trash, vacuum, CLEAN!
  • (more will be added later.)

To be continued and hopefully not deleted again…..